Tropical Yogurt Pops

Tropical Yogurt Pops

Create your own yogurt pops and experiment with different flavors or try out one of these recipes:


1 cup low-fat vanilla yogurt
1/2 cup mango pieces (fresh or frozen)
1/2 cup pineapple pieces (fresh, canned, or frozen)
1/4 cup cup coconut water
1 ice cube tray (or paper cups)


  1. Place all ingredients into blender.
  2. Blend on high until smooth.
  3. Pour into 4 small paper cups (or 8 ice cubes) and place in popsicle sticks (or cut paper straws).
  4. Freeze.
  5. Enjoy as a frozen treat!


Create your own yogurt pops and experiment with different flavors or try out one of these recipes:

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