This dessert features fresh fruit, yogurt, and coconut, with a dash of marshmallows for fun. No cooking is required.
This dessert features fresh fruit, yogurt, and coconut, with a dash of marshmallows for fun. No cooking is required.
Serves 2 Fruits and Vegetables: 1/4 cup per serving Ingredients 1/2 cup 100% orange juice 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt, non-fat or low-fat 1/2 cup strawberries (or any fresh or frozen berry mix) 1 banana, medium, peeled ¼ cup mango, chopped…
Serves: 3 Fruits and Vegetables: 1 cup per serving Ingredients 2 very ripe pears, cored and chopped 2 cups fresh baby spinach 1 cup coconut water or tap water 4 ice cubes Directions Wash fresh fruits and vegetables Place all…
Serves: 4 Fruits and Vegetables: ¾ cups per serving Ingredients 1 cup milk, non-fat or low-fat 1 cup vanilla yogurt, non-fat or low-fat 2 large apples, peeled and cored ½ teaspoon cinnamon, ground 1 handful ice cubes Directions Wash and…
Serves: 6 Fruits and Vegetables: ½ cup per serving Ingredients 1 cup strawberries, fresh 1 cup blueberries, fresh 1 cup blackberries, fresh ½ cup strawberry preserves 2 cups buttermilk pancake mix Vegetable oil cooking spray ½ cup vanilla yogurt, non-fat…
Serves: 8 Fruits and Vegetables: ½ cup per serving Ingredients 2 cups blueberries, fresh 2 cups strawberries, fresh 1 cup graham crackers, crushed 4 cups vanilla yogurt, non-fat or low-fat Directions Gently wash berries and pat dry. Remove leaves and…
Serves: 8 Fruits and Vegetables: ½ cup per serving Ingredients 1 (20oz) can pineapple chunks, packed in 100% juice, drained 1 (6oz) container lemon yogurt, non-fat or low-fat 1 pint fresh blueberries (2 cups) ½ cup granola, low-fat Cinnamon to…
Serves: 3 Fruits and Vegetables: 1 cup per serving Ingredients 1½ cups green kale leaves, finely chopped ½ cup vanilla yogurt, non-fat or low-fat 1 banana, medium, peeled 2 cups mixed berries, fresh (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries or blackberries) 2 cups…