Topic Vegetarian

Greek Pasta Salad

kitchen gear Cutting board Sharp knife (adult needed) Measuring cup Measuring spoons Large mixing bowl Small mixing bowl Whisk Large spoon or rubber spatula, for stirring  Ingredients   8 ounces whole-grain pasta (such as fusilli, rotini, or penne), cooked and…

Tomatoes Cherry Asados

Nosotros odiamos, odiamos, odiamos compararlos con caramelos, porque honestamente estos tomates son mucho mejores, puesto que son dulces, pequeños y es difícil dejar de comerlos. Si no te los devoras todos, los puedes agregar a muchos platillos diferentes: pastas, un…

Roasted Cherry Tomatoes

We hate, hate, hate to compare these to candy, because honestly these tomatoes are so much better, but they are sweet, small, and hard to stop eating. If you don’t gobble them all up, you can add them to lots…

Roasted Cauliflower-Spinach Soup

We developed this recipe to use up extra Roasted Cauliflower, but if you’re a cauliflower lover like we are you might want to roast two — one to eat and one for soup. If you’re not a fan, you must…

Roasted Radishes

The radishes will take less time to roast if they’re smaller and/or older, and a little longer if they’re bigger and/or juicier. Start checking them after 15 minutes, and roast them longer if they need it. You want the white…

Roasted Tomato- Vegetable Soup

If you already love soup, then yay! This is a great one for filling up your thermos on a dreary school morning. (There’s always lunch to look forward to!) But if you don’t love soup, this is a good recipe…

Watermelon and Feta Salad

The only tricky part of this salad is cutting up the watermelon! Once that’s done, it’s a snap to make. We love the mix of sweet, juicy watermelon with the sharp, salty feta — and we’re pretty sure you will…

Peach, Tomato, and Avocado Salad

Come late summer, peaches and tomatoes are bursting from trees and vines. This surprising salad makes the most of their vibrant juiciness, and varies the texture and color with a little creamy green avocado. Serve it as a no-cook side…

Ranch Dressing

In the 1950s, Steve Hanson served a special new dressing at Hidden Valley Ranch, his California dude ranch. Now it’s the most popular salad dressing in the United States! Ranch dressing is typically made with mayonnaise, buttermilk, and herbs, but…

Basic Quesadilla

A quesadilla is like a grilled cheese sandwich, but you use a folded tortilla instead of two pieces of bread. It makes a good, quick lunch, or you can serve it with a salad for dinner. You can add any…

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