Portrait of a happy senior woman making a heart shape with her hands after exercising on the riverbank.


Here you can find blog posts, tips, and resources for you and your family to live a healthy lifestyle.

Father and son walking back inside after playing basketball outdoors

Physical Activity Goals for Children

Get Moving for Kids! Eating healthy is only one part of raising strong children.  The other important factor is ensuring they are physically active every day.  Any type and amount…

February is American Heart Month

Raising a Heart-Healthy Child

What is a Heart Healthy Child? A heart-healthy child is one that eats foods low in fat, enjoys well-balanced meals, is physically active for 60 minutes each day, and grows…

Shop Simple with MyPlate

Shop Simple with MyPlate!

When the Dietary Guidelines were updated in 2020 www.MyPlate.gov was given a reboot. There are many new tools that make eating healthier easy, simple, and fun! Let’s go explore. MyPlate.org is easier…

Welcome to 2022 fireworks

Mindful Eating

What a year!  We have chatted about fruits and vegetables, home gardens, farmers’ markets, holiday leftovers, and making your own food-related presents.  I have given you directions, book resources, dancing…

Christmas tree fireworks Lagoon Christmas Tree Christmas Tree

Celebration Meals Around the Globe

Did you know that many people in Japan begin their day with soup? Or that, in Greece, they make a delicious ‘melomakarona’ which is a honey-soaked cookie made with ground…

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