

Happy 10th Birthday MyPlate!

MyPlate Turns 10 Illustration

Hard to believe MyPlate is turning 10. We would like to take some time to look back on the past ten years and then look at what we can do to celebrate MyPlate’s birthday. MyPlate was developed in 2011 when…

Broc’s Going to the Farmers’ Market

Couple at a farmers market

Going to the Farmers’ Market with Children Hey, families!  The state of Massachusetts is open for business-all business!  This includes most local farmers’ markets!  A trip to the farmers’ market with your children is a nutritional learning experience, a fruit…

Gardening with Children

Container garden

Welcome back to Broc’s Blog!  I am here to share with you this awesome activity to work on with your family this spring, summer, and fall!  Growing a garden.  You CAN do it together! Children learn best through hands-on experiences. …

Keeping Active with Family (and Broc)

An Hispanic family with two children riding bicycles together in a city park on a sunny autumn day. The little 6 year old boy has a big grin on his face, riding in the middle between his parents and 10 year old sister.

Happy Spring SNAP Families! Exercise is an important part of living a healthy life. Physical activity provides better sleeping patterns, increases confidence, sharpens memory (better grades for children), and builds a solid foundation for overall well-being.  The Dietary Guidelines for Americans…

Making Shifts Towards a Fabulous YOU!

Beautiful Young Adult Millennial Female using water in residential home

Hello, SNAP-Ed families! This is the last week of National Nutrition Month. If you have been following our SNAP-Ed blogs, then you have read the many ways that you can make shifts (not major changes all at once) towards healthy choices. By making…

National Nutrition Month® – Week 3

Cropped shot of a young married couple tasting the food they are making in the kitchen at home.

Welcome to week three of #NationalNutritionMonth. Thank you for coming back! This week we’ll be talking about trying new foods and flavors, the value of sharing meals together, and highlighting food safety. Read on. You might not think that trying…

National Nutrition Month® – Week 2

In this point of view photograph, an unrecognizable person, with only hands showing, holds a paper shopping checklist over a full shopping cart. The customer is standing in the refrigerated foods aisle.

It’s week two of #NationalNutritionMonth and we are here to help you #eatright. This week we’re going to talk about planning. Whether it’s a grocery list, a healthy snack for work or school, or what your takeout order looks like;…

The Benefits of Broccoli

Organic Green Roasted Broccoli Florets with Garlic

Happy March SNAP-Ed families!  Hello again from your Massachusetts SNAP-Ed mascot, Broc! This month I want to share some cool information about National Nutrition Month, specifically about me-broccoli. With this being the first week of National Nutrition Month, let’s look at some…

Taking Care of #OurHearts in February!

Vegetables and fruit with heart shape as concept of cardiovascular health on wooden rustic table.

How are you doing? Welcome to February! While it may be the shortest month it’s an important one. February is all about #OurHearts and how to take care of it. Read on! When we take care of #OurHearts we’re taking…

New Experiences for your New Year!

New year 2020 change to 2021 concept. Hand flip over wood cube block

The beginning of a new year marks a fresh start for everyone. What are your goals for 2021? Do you want to pick up a new physical activity or try a new recipe MAHealthyFoodsinaSNAP is here for resources- and beyond…

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