Main Dish Salad

salad with beans


1/2 head of red cabbage
1/2 head of romaine lettuce
3 carrot (medium)
1 cucumber
1 green pepper
2 broccoli stalks
3 tomatoes (medium)
3 cans kidney beans or garbanzo beans (16 ounce)
6 ounces cheese, grated low-fat cheddar
1/4 cup salad dressing, non-fat


  1. Wash hands with soap and water.
  2. Wash and drain all vegetables well.
  3. Thickly slice red cabbage, tear lettuce into pieces, peel and grate (or slice) carrots and cucumber, cut broccoli into florets and tomato into wedges.
  4. Combine all salad ingredients in a bowl.
  5. Add salad dressing and toss together lightly just before serving.

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