New year 2020 change to 2021 concept. Hand flip over wood cube block

New Experiences for your New Year!

The beginning of a new year marks a fresh start for everyone. What are your goals for 2021? Do you want to pick up a new physical activity or try a new recipe MAHealthyFoodsinaSNAP is here for resources- and beyond – to help you achieve your healthy lifestyle goals! Here’s a short list of some of the healthy habits you and your family may want to pick up in the new year!

Try a Community Supported Agriculture Farm Fresh Delivery

If you have tried to shop for organic fruits and vegetables at stores in the past and found them too expensive, you may want to try signing up for a weekly food delivery through the CSA farm share program. You can use your Healthy Incentives Program benefits, which are included with your SNAP benefits, to purchase fresh food deliveries from local farmers and get reimbursed up to a monthly cap for the amount you spend! You can use our farmer’s market map to find CSA farms in your community.

farm vegetables

Daily Physical Activity Fun

No matter the season, you and your family can always find a way to get outdoors (or stay inside) and get active – it might just take a bit of creativity! Remember, it only takes 21 minutes of activity a day to see the benefits of physical activity including, higher energy, better sleep, and much more. We have a lot of different activity ideas for whatever the season or whatever you’re in the mood for right here on MAHealthyFoodsinaSNAP. Take a look!

A family taking a walk in a park.

Get the Whole Family in the Kitchen

Everyone loves to eat – which is all the more reason to get members of your family in the kitchen to cook and try some new recipes! If you need help learning how to cook, check out our cooking tips section on our website to get a few pointers on some of the more simple meal ideas to create like soups and sandwiches. When you get more comfortable with easier recipes, check out our full recipe database of more than 100 free meal ideas! We would love to see what you choose to make at home – share a picture with us by using the hashtag #CookingwithBroc on Twitter with a picture of what your family cooked! Make 2021 a year of healthy choices for you and your family!

a mother and daughter sharing some vegetables
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