Celebrate a World of Flavors Illustration

Happy National Nutrition Month!

We’re so happy you’re here. It’s the third week of National Nutrition Month and this week we’re going to talk about planning meals and snacks. Do you love planning? Yay! This is a post for and about you! Do you hate meal planning? Yay! This post is for you. Learn some easy (phew!) and fun ways to make meal planning a breeze. Read on.

Glass boxes and bottles with fresh food refrigerator decanting concept organized home simple stylish storage no plastic
Glass boxes and bottles storing food


Young woman protecting food in kitchen with foil
Young woman protecting food in kitchen with foil

Let’s start. First, check to see what you already have in your cupboards and refrigerator (don’t forget the freezer). Then it’s time to make a list of what you need. Even better, use the weekly sales ads from your local grocery store to help save you money. Now, think about what your week ahead looks like. We all have some days that are (a lot) busier than others. Be realistic. It’s not possible to make dinner every night. This is when it can come in handy to make a double batch! Double dinner! We would like to recommend our Pumpkin Chili. It’s delicious and, when you double the recipe, you’ve got more than one night covered. Bonus, your picky eater will not even know they’re eating pumpkin! Check out the recipe below:

A bowl of pumpkin chili
A bowl of pumpkin chili


When you go shopping purchase canned, fresh, and frozen fruit and vegetables for the most options. Eat the fresh produce first. Fresh tomatoes? Try a raw tomato sauce to serve with whole wheat pasta. Grate the tomatoes into a bowl, season with your preferred spices, toss with freshly cooked pasta, and dinner is served! Canned chickpeas? Puree them with a little lemon juice and olive oil and you have an impromptu hummus dip for those red peppers that need to be eaten! And make sure to think out of the box. That hummus is just as good, easy, and healthy (!) for breakfast as it is for a snack.

Speaking of snacks, try to include more than one food group. Like the hummus and red peppers, there is no end to ideas for healthy snacks. How about some nut butter with whole wheat crackers? And don’t forget, snacks can be fun too! Especially when making a Vegetable Snake! Fast, fun, and healthy.

A board of sliced cucumbers
A board of sliced cucumbers


On days when you have more time do some meal prep. If you can, include your children in meal planning. Ask them what they would like to help with one night for dinner. If they’re involved, they will be more interested in the meal and they’ll learn more about what is involved in putting that meal on the table.   

Lastly, just like we do in other areas of our lives; if we’re stumped about what to make for dinner or snacks, ask a friend or relative what they do. Conversations can generate ideas about what to plan and, even better, they may have shopping and cooking tips.

She loves eat fresh fruit
She loves eat fresh fruit


Loving father giving his small son to eat banana at home.
Loving father giving his small son to eat banana at home.

As always, thanks for stopping by! We enjoy the company. Make sure to come back for the last week of National Nutrition Month.

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