Food Demonstrations In Action

On October 6th, 2022, UMass Nutrition Extension Program (UMass NEP) staff, Rosalia Flores, Program Supervisor, and Amy Voelker, a Nutrition Educator, were at the Framingham Transitional Assistance Office (TAO) to conduct a food demonstration. They prepared and provided samples of a No-Bake Peach Crisp. Staff and clients enjoyed learning more about the SNAP-Ed Nutrition Education programs offered across the state while also enjoying a delicious treat. Participants were able to find out more about what organizations are providing related to nutrition education and the different ways they promote physical activity. Whether it is hands on nutrition lessons to youth, dancing in the classroom, or gardening during recess UMass NEP is there to help. Rosalia and Amy shared the recipe as well as a Produce Spotlight on peaches and information about the Healthy Incentive Programs (HIP). Click on the link here for the recipe.

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