A multi-ethnic family at a Christmas tree farm together in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. They are all sitting down in a gazebo while embracing, and looking at each other.

Cranberries and Self-Care

Happy Holidays!

During the next couple of weeks, plan for something fun for YOU. What would YOU like to do? How about cooking something special? Going for a walk? A spa day? How about a dance party with your family? In our final post for 2020, we will explore different ways to care for ourselves and highlight cranberries, a native plant, available in our grocery stores right now. Read on!

First up, Cranberries!

Did you know that Massachusetts grows more cranberries than any other state except for Wisconsin? Cranberries are native to Massachusetts. That means that cranberries, like blueberries and Concord grapes, were already here, long before we were. Native Americans used cranberries for cooking, dying clothing, and even as tea. Native Americans knew what a powerfully healthy food cranberries were and are. They are rich in Vitamin C and Manganese and are high in antioxidants. What’s not to like?

Cranberries are grown in bogs or marshes and take over a year before you can harvest.

Cranberry Bog

Not only are they nutritious, but they are delicious too! Try one of these recipes:

Cranberry Nut Bread:


Cranberry Wojapi:


Apple Cranberry Salad Toss:


What is self-care?

We’ve heard of the words “self-care.” You’ve likely heard of them too. But what do they mean?

Self-care is the act of prioritizing our own health. Asking ourselves what will increase our happiness or improve our health. That can mean getting a good night’s sleep, talking to a friend on the phone, watching an old movie with your family, lighting candles at dinner, going for a walk outside, or learning a new hobby. The list is endless and it’s different from person to person.

Below are some suggestions and ideas; however, listen to yourself to identify what sparks joy!

Is there a vegetable you really enjoy? Did you know you can use your SNAP card to purchase seeds and seedlings? How about growing a tomato plant in your home? Watching and caring for a plant can provide us with happiness AND a healthy vegetable.

What about a spa day at home? Take a relaxing bath, light some candles and drift away

When was the last time you read a book? The libraries have curbside pickup, allowing you to explore and try new adventures from your own home. Find your local library here:


Would you like to go for a hike? Massachusetts has an abundance of state parks. Start your search here:


Making sure you spend time caring for yourself is important. Try to make one small change and add a piece of fruit to your day. Go to bed 15 minutes earlier.

Sometimes, we just need to take a break. Go for a short walk, take deep breaths, and call a friend.

As always, thanks for stopping by. See you next year!

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