Hello, SNAP-Ed families! This is the last week of National Nutrition Month. If you have been following our SNAP-Ed blogs, then you have read the many ways that you can make shifts (not major changes all at once) towards healthy choices. By making small changes in your daily behaviors you can reach your health goals.
Let’s review some of the options shared:
- Drink more water-try adding fruit like lemon for a flavorful sip
- Eat foods from all the food groups throughout the day
- Make a shopping list before you go to the market (https://myplate-prod.azureedge.net/sites/default/files/2020-12/Create%20a%20Grocery%20Game%20Plan_Grocery%20List.pdf)
- Plan healthy recipes (https://www.mahealthyfoodsinasnap.org/healthy-foods/recipes)
- Practice simple food safety steps: wash your hands and clean countertops, use a fridge and meat thermometer, and do not leave cold food items out longer than 20 minutes
- Use leftovers the next day or freeze them for future use
- Try new flavors or different food items (Ex: use turmeric instead of salt for seasoning or try a star fruit for your next healthy snack)
- View a Cooking Matters video (https://www.mahealthyfoodsinasnap.org/featured-video) for other quick tips
Visit our calendar on the Healthy Foods page (https://www.mahealthyfoodsinasnap.org/view-workshop-calendar/month) for nutrition workshops available to you and your family. Some may be offered through Facebook Live or on other online platforms-all at no cost to you. These workshops will explain easy ways to make small shifts in your behaviors. You will begin to see the changes you wish to make which can help with sleep, stress, and confidence. The fabulous you that you want to be is ready to shine. You can do it! SNAP-Ed can help!